October 15, 2020

Social Action October 2020 3

Emergency Shelter Partnership Needs Volunteers For the past sixteen years, Temple ShaarayTefila has participated in the Emergency Shelter Partnership. This year, as so much is different, […]
October 15, 2020

Social Action October 2020 2

Care 2 Give… Give with Heart! October Supply Drive Supply Drive for families who are truly struggling at this timeCollection through October 31st Organizations receiving supplies:● […]
October 9, 2020

Social Action October 2020

Care 2 Cook? Cook to Care!  Simple Kitchen Creations for Donations Wednesday, October 28th @ 6:15pm Cook with a professional chef and fight hunger in our […]
January 15, 2020

Kids Off to College Now What?

RSVP Here What to expect when your kids are in college and how to deal with all the transitions the many hellos and goodbyes ,schlepping their stuff […]