When each of us opens our heart to others, we become a closer, more caring community.  Every act of kindness is a prayer.

If you are confronting the challenges of illness or grief, or if you simply need a shoulder to lean on, please don’t hesitate to call on the Shaaray Tefila Caring Community.  We will listen to your concerns with complete confidentiality, and through the power of community we hope to be able to ease your burden.  Our sole purpose is to answer the call of our community with a caring response.

If you are seeking opportunities to get more involved in our Temple family, please join us on the Caring Community.  Add your name to ours, and let us call on you from time to time when someone in our Temple needs a meal, a phone call, a note, or other assistance. 


Gigi Zeller and Susan Goodman, Co-Chairs, Caring Community


For more information about the Caring Community Committees, reach out to our committee chairs:

Harriett Zeller
Susan Goodman