Welcome to the ECC


Where Learning is Child’s Play!


Temple Shaaray Tefila is a Reform Jewish congregation with a traditional spirit. We celebrate, teach, and observe the most worthy values and ideals of our Jewish tradition: Torah, mitzvah, and tzedakah. In doing so, we connect our members and their families to each other, to the greater Jewish community, and to Israel. Anyone who seeks a warm and vibrant Jewish community will feel comfortable in our congregation.


The Early Childhood Center (ECC) at Temple Shaaray Tefila is committed to creating the finest early childhood experiences, enhancing self-esteem, and encouraging learning through hands-on activities and exploration while incorporating a positive Jewish identity. Our philosophy is to provide a warm, nurturing and stimulating environment that will promote the social, emotional, cognitive and physical growth of the young child. We weave the Judaic teachings through all areas of our curriculum.


Celebrate, Learn, Play, Connect:
Temple Shaaray Tefila Values


At the Early Childhood Center at Temple Shaaray Tefila, our four core values are:

  • Celebrate: We celebrate our Judaism through holidays, weekly Shabbat experiences, mitzvot and tzedakah.
  • Learn: We encourage a love of learning by providing a rich, loving and safe environment that gives children the building blocks necessary to become enthusiastic and confident learners through multi-sensory experiences, discovery and problem solving. Our developmentally-appropriate curriculum enables learners to build strong habits of the mind, critical thinking skills, resiliency and focus.
  • Play: Through play and guided with best practices developed by early childhood experts, children are active participants in the learning process.
  • Connect: Children interact with their peers, and create a community within their classrooms as well as within the Early Childhood Center.


Early Engagement


At Temple Shaaray Tefila, we welcome young families as they start their Jewish journey.

Our early engagement programs include:


  • Gym with Benny, Bim Bam with Kenny Green and Toddler and Me.
  • Tot Shabbat: Tot Shabbat is celebrated on most first Friday evenings of the month at 5:30pm. ECC families are welcome to join us for a family-friendly Shabbat service!
  • Holidays: Special Sukkot, Hanukkah, Purim, and Passover celebrations.

Judaism is Fun!


A Jewish Approach to Early Childhood Education


Students learn about their rich Jewish heritage in their classrooms and through periodic guest appearances with our Rabbi and Jewish Education Staff.

Children have an opportunity to learn about their Jewish heritage through music, stories, and holiday programming, as well as weekly Shabbat celebrations. Our Rabbi and other members of the Temple staff are actively involved in the ECC, providing a sound foundation for a well-rounded school experience. Families are included and encouraged to celebrate the holidays at school with their child.


Learning with our Rabbi and Cultivating Relationships

Our Rabbi spends time with our learners, teaching them about our heritage, our history, and learning about who they are.


Weekly Shabbat Celebrations

Every Friday morning, our ECC celebrates Shabbat as a community with our traditional rituals, story and song. Different parents from each class are designated as Shabbat Parent for that Friday. Our wonderful Cantor Ines Szterenberg, and /or our Rabbi Dennis Ross, leads shabbat songs on Friday mornings. In addition, Kenny Green together with Rabbi Ross or Cantor Szterenberg, lead our fun and musical Tot Shabbat services on most first Fridays of the month at 5:30pm.