Comedy Night with Judy Gold
October 29, 2024
Cantor Szterenberg’s Message – 11/1/24
October 30, 2024
Support Israel and the JNF by purchasing trees for special occasions through Sisterhood
For many years Sisterhood has been planting trees in Israel through the JNF for all of our Bnai' Mitzvah children and the Caring Community for a multitude of lifecycle events with a beautiful certificate sent to their home.
We have also offered congregants the opportunity to commemorate important moments in their life by purchasing a tree, and would like to remind everyone that this would be great time to support Israel and recognize the special people or pets in your life. Yes there is now a beautiful certificate to recognize the adoption or loss of a pet.
Please fill out the Temple Tree order form and email to Lynn Federbush: lynnfederbush@ gmail.com
questions? call lynn: 914-649-3942