Summer Fun at Shaaray Recap
August 8, 2024Letter from Our President 2024
August 20, 2024A Friday Morning Shabbat with the Early Childhood Center
Perhaps you were there with us a couple Friday mornings ago, when Cantor Ines led a beautiful Shabbat music outdoor session for our Early Childhood Center students and their families. I was there, along with Patty Goldstick, Rabbi Sandy, Howard Greenstein, and others from our staff as the Cantor's warmth, skill, and energy both charmed and engaged the youngest members and families of the Temple Shaaray Tefila community.
I spoke to the group and offered a greeting and encouraged the families to come back for our program offerings in the fall and beyond. From family Shabbat to tot Shabbat and High Holiday family services, to holiday celebrations for Simchat Torah and Purim and much more through the year, Temple Shaaray offers a full range of exciting and engaging opportunities for families with children of all ages.
The sweet memory of that morning stays with me as our summer comes to a close. It was a delight to take in the fruits of the season's devotion and hard work, and the promise of more in the months to come. The day stood out for the way that Patty Goldstick and her Early Childhood Center staff offer our children the support, guidance, Jewish community and fun they need as they take these "first steps" of life. The Cantor brings forward her gifts as a skilled and joyous music educator by engaging and involving the children in song and movement that perfectly meets their abilities and interests. And families are with us and involved in this beloved Temple Shaaray Tefila community.
I am excited to think of more of these joyous moments in the year ahead.
With my best wishes,
Rabbi Dennis Ross