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August 6, 2024The story is told that one day Isaac comes upon Chaim who is reading an Arab newspaper. Isaac asks him: "why are you reading an Arab newspaper?" To which Chaim responds: "I read the paper because it says that Jews have so much power and influence. That Jews control the media and the banks. I read the Jewish newspaper and it depresses me as I read of the challenges and adversaries that we face. I read the Arab newspaper because it makes me feel good as I learn of all the power and control we have."
That little story seems most appropriate for the times in which we are living. Those who claim that we Jews are too powerful, too influential, we control the media, and we have too much money with which we buy influence, especially for Israel.
And the reality: We Jews have contributed greatly to America's success. Academically, scientifically, economically, medically, technologically - yes, we Jews have had significant impact upon this country, and helped to change it for the better. And yet, no other group is ever accused of having too much power and influence. Add to that the claim of some that our loyalty to Israel is greater than our loyalty to America.
Those false claims, dating back to times and places where Jews had little or no influence, is surely the stuff of anti-Semitism. And in truth, we've never really known how to stop it other than to work for a time when humanity will become enlightened and realize that we Jews have as our collective goal, not to make the world Jewish, but to make the world more humane.
Shabbat Shalom. I hope to see you at our Shabbat service this evening.
Rabbi David Greenberg