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Mi Sheberach List


Please join us in prayer for those that are not well. These comforting words can be said on behalf of those who are ill. Whether friends or loved ones are struggling with physical, emotional or spiritual challenges, this prayer speaks to our desire for their healing.

Mi Shebeirach avoteinu v’imoteinu,
Avraham, Yitzchak v’Yaakov, Sarah, Rivkah,
Rachel v’Lei-ah, hu y’vareich et hacholim
[names]. HaKadosh Baruch Hu yimalei
rachamim aleihem, l’hachalimam ul’rapotam
ul’hachazikam, v’yishlach lahem m’heirah
r’fuah, r’fuah shleimah min hashamayim,
r’fuat hanefesh ur’fuat haguf, hashta
baagala uviz’man kariv. V’nomar: Amen.


May the one who blessed our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah, bless and heal those who are ill [names]. May the Blessed Holy One be filled with compassion for their health to be restored and their strength to be revived. May God swiftly send them a complete renewal of body and spirit, and let us say, Amen.

Yosef Ben Abraham
Marlene Adelberg
Bob Ackerman
Jean Ackerman
Tommy Aldridge
Elizabeth Amerling
Icah Banton
Marian bat Betty
Laurie Bolbuc
Noah Brail
Marlene Cohen
Ed Colker
Tim Foley
Jessica Gershman
Lankele Iekutiel Ben Golda
Howard Goldberg
Karen Goldstick
Ariella Green 
Dawn Greenberg
Harvey Greller
Robert Haroun
Anne Hollander
Ron Hollander
Marilyn Katzman
Jennifer Katz 
Martie Krol
Marla Esan Leibowitz
Harriett Marx
Daniel Matatia
Howard Matatia
Frank Micheli 
Ava Grace Milton
Zachary Morant

Akiva Eliahu Ben Naomi
Richard Newman
Arlene Pfister
Sandy Pittman
Suzanne Ponsot
Milton Primer
Nina Primer
Mordechai Dov Ben Rachel
Michelle Reiss
Julio Rinaldi
Stacie Sage
Lisa Semple
Shirley Sherman
Michael Shields
Wim Shoemakers
Marjolain Bat Sini
Justin Small
Ariella Hannah bat Shulamit Shandela
Telma Tamar
Maurice Tepper
Rabbi David Wilfond
Sarah Bat Ida Yehudit
Cooper Zelnick
כרמיה חיה הדס בת ציפורה מרים/ Devora bat yoseph v’peshka