“Sharaay Talks”
September 12, 2024
Social Action Fall Events 2024
September 12, 2024
Join the Temple Shaaray Tefila Civil Rights Journey to Atlanta, Selma, Birmingham and Montgomery
Thursday, February 27 to Sunday, March 2, 2025
Temple Shaaray Tefila is sponsoring a "Civil Rights Journey and we hope you can join us!
Rabbi Ross notes: "I have led this trip several times in the past to tour Atlanta, Selma, Birmingham, and Montgomery. It is an educational program that sees the civil rights struggles from a Jewish perspective and meets with those who were personally involved. Please visit Etgar 36, our tour organizer, and see the attached itinerary for information about sites, accommodations, meals and more. Lisa Glenn is working with me on what promises to be an enjoyable, moving, and memorable educational experience. We hope you will come with us. This program is suitable for adults and families and it, initially, is open only to Temple members."
We are excited about the trip and hope you will join us. Please reach out to RabbiRoss@TempleST.org with any questions.
A deposit of $300 per person HERE is required to reserve your space. Your deposit will be fully refundable until December 1, after which a cancellation fee or loss of full payment will apply. We urge you to consider buying travel insurance to protect yourself in case of the unforeseen. Please register early because space is limited to one bus.
All participants will be asked to make their own flight arrangements to/from Atlanta, whether traveling from White Plains, NYC, or elsewhere. Several folks are planning to be on the same flight which will be timed for Atlanta bus pickup. Once our flights are booked, we will let you know the details so that you can make your own arrangements. If you cannot meet us by our designated time, in Atlanta, probably by 8 PM Thursday, February 27, you will have to take a cab or Uber, etc., at your own expense to meet us at our first hotel outside of Atlanta.
Information about pricing is below, with more information to follow. Prices include bus, hotels, meals from Friday breakfast through Sunday breakfast, admissions and program and tips for the guide and driver. It does not include airfare, Thursday dinner, or Sunday lunch.
cost + split cost/person | ||
$1,700.00 | single person in room | |
$2,850.00 | 2 in room | |
$4,050.00 | 3 in room | |
$5,250.00 | 4 in room |
Our preliminary search shows non-stop flights from NYC at about $200 and White Plains at about $270. We recognize that some participants will fly from other cities and some will want to use frequent flyer programs. We will have more flight details as soon as possible.
Israel Solidarity Mission with Rabbi Ross, January 18 to January 24, 2025 (with an option to extend)